Level 3 (English) (英语)

5月19号 - 23号

The practical culmination of the Coloured Gem Professional.彩色宝石专业人士的实用巅峰之作。
Course: Coloured Gem Professional Level 3课程:专业彩色宝石课程 - 高级
Duration: 5 days, classroom为期:五天, 课堂
Price: CHF 2’880价格:瑞士法郎 2,880
Combination prices: 组合价格:
Register for the following course combinations and benefit from a discounted fee. 报读以下课程组合并享受费用折扣。
Level 2 & 3 only CHF 4,990 for both courses.报读中级及高级: 瑞士法郎 4,990
Level 1, 2 & 3 only CHF 5,800 for all three courses.报读初、中及高级: 瑞士法郎 5,800
Location: Gübelin Gem Museum, Schwanenplatz, Passage «Zum Stein», 6004 Lucerne地点:古宝琳宝石博物馆, Schwanenplatz, Passage «Zum Stein», 6004 卢塞恩
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level 1 (online or on site) and Level 2 are required to attend Level 3.  入学要求:必须成功完成初级(在线或现场课程)及中级才能参加高级课程。

Certification: Certificate of attendance认证:出席证书
Upon successful completion, we issue an additional diploma for the Coloured Gem
Professional Programme.成功完成后,我们将颁发专业彩色宝石课程的额外文凭。
Please note:请注意:​
Recommended retail prices in CHF, valid from 01 January 2025, incl. VAT.建议零售价(瑞士法郎),自 2025 年 1 月 1 日起生效,含增值税。
Prices, courses and availability are subject to change without prior notice.价格、课程和供应情况如有变更,恕不另行通知。
General Terms & Conditions Gübelin Academy Switzerland瑞士古宝琳宝石学院一般条款和条件
Registration: 登记:
Places are limited, so be sure to reserve early using the button below. We will confirm your participation per e-mail as soon as possible.  
Register now立即登记
Please contact us directly for further details.请直接联系我们了解更多详情。