Jewellery's Dynamic Journey (English) 珠宝动态之旅(英语)
2-6 June 6月2-6日
Transform the way you look at jewellery. Embark on a thrilling five-day journey and dive deep into the art, history, and techniques of jewellery, from the earliest designs to the latest trends.
Course: From Ancient Splendours to Modern Trends: Jewellery's Dynamic Journey
课程: 从古老的辉煌到现代的潮流: 珠宝动态之旅
Duration: 5 days, classroom
为期: 五天, 课堂
Price: CHF 3'290
价格: 瑞士法郎 3,290
Location: Gübelin Gem Museum, Schwanenplatz, Passage «Zum Stein», 6004 Luzern
地点: 古宝琳宝石博物馆, Schwanenplatz, Passage «Zum Stein», 6004 卢塞恩
Prerequisite: This course is designed for both jewellery enthusiasts and seasoned connoisseurs, no prior knowledge of gemmology or jewellery is required.
入学要求: 本课程专为珠宝爱好者和经验丰富的鉴赏家而设计。无需具备宝石学或珠宝知识。
Certification: Certificate of attendance
认证: 出席证书
Content: 内容:
This 5-day course offers a deep dive into the art, history, and techniques of jewellery, from the earliest designs to the latest trends. Discover the factors that define a jewel's value, from its materials to the renown of its creator. Each day unfolds a new chapter in the rich history of jewellery.
This is not just a course; it is a practical adventure into the heart of jewellery's timeless beauty. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to expertly examine and analyse pieces from various eras, enhancing your appreciation and expertise in the field of jewellery.
Days 1 & 2 – A Journey Through Time:
第一及第二天 - 穿越时空的旅程:
Step into the world of jewellery and uncover its incredible evolution from ancient times to today. Through hands-on exploration, learn how to look at pieces like an expert and determine their age, style, and history. This is an essential foundation for anyone passionate about jewellery!
Day 3 – The Secrets of Jewellery Design:
第三天 – 珠宝设计的秘密:
Discover how history, fashion, and society have shaped jewellery styles over the centuries. From royal treasures to modern masterpieces, gain practical insights into how artistic and technical advancements have defined each era.
Day 4 – Diamonds & Hidden Clues:
第四天 – 钻石与隐藏的线索:
Master the art of understanding diamond jewellery through the ages by identifying different cuts and styles. Then, take a deep dive into hallmarks and maker’s marks under the microscope - unlocking the key to dating and valuing jewellery like a pro.
通过识别不同的切割方式和款式,掌握了解不同年代钻石珠宝的艺术。然后,在显微镜下深入研究标记和制造商标记 - 像专业人士一样解锁鉴定和估价珠宝的关键。
Day 5 – The Gübelin Legacy:
第五天 - 古宝琳遗产:
Dive into the world of Gübelin, discover their groundbreaking designs and innovations that have set new standards for craftsmanship and creativity. Experience the magic firsthandwith an exclusive visit to the atelier, where you’ll watch master goldsmiths work their craft in real-time, bringing stunning pieces to life right before your eyes!
About the instructor: 关于导师:
Céline Rose David is a graduate gemmologist with a PhD in jewellery history, Art History and Archaeology recognised as an expert by the Royal Association of Belgian Art Experts and as a legal expert in Belgium. Throughout her career, she has delved into the archives of various important museums, gaining extensive knowledge in jewellery history, which establishes her as an expert in the field. Currently, she teaches at the Montreal School of Gemmology, is the Scientific Director at the Montreal Appraisal Centre for Gemstones and Jewels and holds the position of “Director of Expertises” on the "Les Héritières" C2C platform in France. Additionally, Céline is a trusted expert for numerous auction houses in Belgium and France. She is committed to promoting sustainable gemstone and diamond mining and volunteers at Diamonds for Peace.
Céline Rose David 是一名宝石学家,拥有珠宝史、艺术史和考古学博士学位,被比利时皇家艺术专家协会认定为专家,并被认定为比利时法律专家。在她的职业生涯中,她深入研究了各个重要博物馆的档案,积累了丰富的珠宝史知识,这使她成为该领域的专家。目前,她在蒙特利尔宝石学院任教,担任蒙特利尔宝石和珠宝评估中心的科学主任,并担任法国“Les Héritières” C2C 平台的“专业总监”。此外,Céline 还是比利时和法国多家拍卖行的可靠专家。她致力于推动可持续的宝石和钻石开采,并在 Diamonds for Peace 担任志愿者。
Please note: 请注意:
Recommended retail prices in CHF, valid from 01 March 2024, incl. VAT.
建议零售价(瑞士法郎),自 2024 年 3 月 1 日起生效,含增值税。
Prices, courses and availability are subject to change without prior notice.
General Terms & Conditions Gübelin Academy Switzerland
Registration: 登记:
Enrol now in "From Ancient Splendours to Modern Trends: Jewellery's Dynamic Journey" and completely transform your understanding of jewellery. Places are limited, so be sure to reserve early using the button below. We will confirm your participation per e-mail as soon as possible.
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Please contact us directly for further details.