Practice Days (English) 练习日 (英语) 

12月9号 - 10号

The Gübelin Practice Days give students the perfect chance to dive even deeper into the inner beauty of coloured gemstones, by looking at a great selection of stones (emerald, ruby, sapphire) from ourreference collection and using the microscope to observe their marvellous and exciting inner features.


Our experienced trainer will accompany you throughout the day, providing you with valuable support.

During lunch, you will also have plenty of time to mix & mingle with other course participants.

Course: Practice Days 课程:练习日
Duration: 1 or 2 days, classroom 为期:一天或两天, 课堂
Price 1 day: CHF 500.-  价格:一天: 瑞士法郎 500
2 days: CHF 890.- 两天: 瑞士法郎 890

Location:  Gübelin Gem Museum, Schwanenplatz, Passage «Zum Stein», 6004 Lucerne
地点:古宝琳宝石博物馆, Schwanenplatz, Passage «Zum Stein», 6004 卢塞恩

Prerequisite: This format is for our students who successfully completed all three Levels of our ‘Coloured Gem Professional’ programme we offer.

Certification: Certificate of attendance 认证:出席证书

Please note: 请注意:
Recommended retail prices in CHF, valid from 01 January 2025, incl. VAT.​ 建议零售价(瑞士法郎),自 2025 年 1 月 1 日起生效,含增值税。
Prices, courses and availability are subject to change without prior notice. 价格、课程和供应情况如有变更,恕不另行通知。

General Terms & Conditions Gübelin Academy Switzerland 瑞士古宝琳宝石学院一般条款和条件 

Registration: 登记:
Places are limited, so be sure to reserve early using the button below. We will confirm yourparticipation per e-mail as soon as possible.

Register now立即登记

Please contact us directly for further details. 请直接联系我们了解更多详情。